
Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries was created on Jan. 1, 2000, by the affiliation, and later merger, of Lutheran Services Northeast, then based at Topton, Pennsylvania, and Tressler Lutheran Services, headquartered near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Both continued the histories of service of numerous additional corporations, including two dating to the 1800s. In 2014, Diakon Child, Family & Community Ministries was created to house the organization's programs for children, youths, and families.

To read about the organizations that preceded Diakon, please select from any of the following links. In addition to the organizational histories, Historical Overview provides a consolidated and chronological listing of pivotal events within the histories of Diakon and its predecessor organizations, while TimeLines presents a series of interesting vignettes from our shared past.

Lutheran Services Northeast

Tressler Lutheran Services

The Lutheran Home at Topton

Lutheran Social Services of Maryland

LWS of Northeastern Pennsylvania

Historical Overview

Timelines - Vignettes on Diakon History