Community Benefit
Diakon is concerned not only about the people we directly serve, but also about the communities in which we all live. In fact, Diakon’s services have focused on improving the lives of people in need since 1868.
That service has a significant impact on society as a whole. But community benefit also incorporates the way we make a difference beyond direct service, especially in terms of concern for those with lower incomes or other limited resources. Community benefit arises from our service not only to the neighbors we directly help, but also to their neighbors. We call this the good we do beyond the good we set out to do!
Community benefit reflects our responsibility for improving the overall fabric of society, a response to the trust placed in us through our tax-exempt status.
In 2019, our community benefit totaled $20.5 million, with extensive additional impact not reported financially, based on national guidelines.
Moreover, even that additional impact does not take into account the societal benefits associated with our responsible employment of nearly 2,000 people, which includes competitive wages and a generous benefits package. Beyond the taxes they pay within their local communities, these staff members are not only dedicated employees of Diakon, but also share a giving spirit, donating to Diakon and other community organizations each year.
To learn more about Diakon’s extensive impact on the communities in which it serves, we invite you to read our annual Community Benefit Report You can also download the report here.