Foster Care
Diakon Adoption & Foster Care offers multiple levels of foster care, including:
- Traditional foster care
- Treatment foster care
- Specialized foster care
- Legal-risk (foster-to-adopt)
- Kinship care
- Foster care for children with medically fragile conditions
Typically, children and youths served in these programs are referred by county children and youth services or juvenile probation offices.
Looking to be a Foster Parent?
Foster parents are always needed to bring love and stability to the lives of children waiting in foster care. Our program focuses on providing the best long-term solution for each child or youth referred to us. And whether preparing a child or youth for independence, a successful return to his or her birth family or other relatives or for adoption, we offer an array of services to meet varying needs.
Designed to meet both short- and long-term goals for young people in transition, our tiered levels of foster care allow us to tailor service to meet unique needs. Levels of foster care vary based on intensity of service, case-management, and related services. However, all Diakon foster care programs emphasize the availability of a continuum of services, with a focus on providing the highest quality of care.
Why should you choose Diakon Adoption & Foster Care? We are completely committed to your success!
Foster Care Features include:
- Loving, nurturing homes with well-trained resource families selected to meet the special emotional and behavioral needs of each child. These families are dually certified and meet or exceed the latest training requirements for both adoption and foster care placements
- Well-trained, committed case-management staff of both bachelor’s and master’s degree levels, assuring the highest support for youths, families, and referring agencies
- Staff members on call 24 hours a day
- Counseling and treatment services promoting both emotional well-being and a speedy transition to permanency
- Emergency foster care placements*
* Emergency foster care begins with a call from the county to place a child immediately, often with little information available about the child. The foster family who takes emergency placements must to be ready to accept the placement right away. The placement may be short term, but might also become a longer term or even (at times) a permanent placement.
A hallmark of our program is our focus on serving youths as close to home as possible. And even if the planned outcome of service is not a return home, we become as involved with the birth family as circumstances permit. Services are offered to dependent and delinquent children and youths from birth through age 18. Youths are considered for placement based on need and the appropriateness of our services to meet those needs.
Contact us to learn more about our multiple levels of foster care.
Foster Care Forms
Save some time and start the process now by filling out these critical foster care forms. These include disclosure statements, questionnaires, clearances, and more.
Foster Care Fees
Foster care fees are different from adoption fees. There are very few foster care fees, typically just the cost of clearances and a physical exam to be approved as a foster parent.