Additional Resources
As noted elsewhere in our site, we host support groups for resource families as a way of helping to ensure positive outcomes. At the same time, we understand people’s schedules may not always permit attendance at an on-site support group. We also know that people frequently turn to social media for information or support.
For that reason, Diakon Adoption & Foster Care hosts various subscriber-only Facebook groups for resource families so that family members can privately share concerns, seek advice or other support and, in general, form a helpful community.
Please contact your case manager for information on how to subscribe to the group in your region.
As a Diakon resource parent, you may also find the link below helpful.
Pennsylvania Adoption Exchange
The primary website for SWAN, Pennsylvania's Statewide Adoption & Permanency Network (which Diakon, separately, administers for the Commonwealth). One portion of its website, found at www.adoptpakids.org, provides a summary of post-adoption services:
- Post-Permanency Services - an overview of support focused on a postive lifelong experience