Resource Family Training Materials
To help you understand the scope of what you will be studying during our three-day training sessions, here is a helpful overview of subjects:
Day 1
Overview of Child Welfare System
- Child Welfare Philosophy
- Court Process
- Hierarchy of Permanency Goals
- Concurrent Planning
- Types of Resource Families
- Visitation
- Confidentiality
- Responsibilities as a Resource Parent
Description of Diakon Programs
- Foster/Legal Risk
- Interstate Special Needs Adoption
- Private Infant
- Program Fees
- Interviewing Tips
Family Profile/Home Study Process
Act 101
- Voluntary Contact Agreement
- Search
- Pennsylvania Adoption Information Registry
Post-Permanency Services
Child Development
- Normal Child Development
- Influential Factors on Development
- Developmental Domains
- Stages of Child Development
- Impact of Abuse and Neglect on Child Development
- Remedial Parenting
- Assessing Behavior in Context of Child Development
- Creative Ways to Connect
Day 2
Trauma 101
- Types of Trauma
- How Children Respond to Trauma
- Reactions to Trauma Reminders
- Traumatic Stress Reactions
- Traumatic Play
- Talking About Trauma
Difficult Behaviors
- Lying
- Stealing
- Hoarding and Gorging
- Aggression
Resilience/Recovering from Trauma
Grief and Loss
- Types of Loss
- Elements that Influence a Child’s Experience of a Loss
- Stages of Grief
- Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
- Cycle of Needs
- Symptoms of Attachment Difficulties
- Reactive Attachment Disorder
- Stages of Attachment in Adoptive Families
Parenting the Foster Child
- Six Things to Know Before Parenting a Foster Child
- Skills of Successful Foster Parents
- 10 Principles of Good Parenting
Positive Discipline
- Discipline vs. Punishment
- Examples of Positive Discipline
Most Common Diagnoses
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder
- Oppositional Defiant Disorder
- Mood Disorder
- Eating Disorders
- Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Medication
First Aid Quiz
Day 3
Transracial Adoption
- Challenges
- Adoptive Parent Cultural Competence
- Practical Tips
Drug & Alcohol Exposure
- Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
- Tips for Parents
Communicable Diseases
- Universal Precautions and Personal Protective Equipment
- Pennsylvania Act 148
Talking to Your Child about Difficult Histories
- Positive Adoption Language
- Age-Level Discussion
- The Sandwich Theory
- Common Triggers
- Important Points to Remember
Sexual Abuse
- Why is Sexual Abuse Not Reported?
- Impact of Sexual Abuse
- Talking with Your Child About Sexual Abuse
- Parenting the Sexually Abused Child
- Green Light Behaviors
- Significant Signs of Sexual Abuse
- Assessing Normal vs. Abnormal Sexual Behaviors in Children
- Addressing Sexual Acting-Out Behaviors with Children
What Makes a Successful Foster/Adoptive Parent
Reasonable and Prudent Parenting/Pennsylvania HB 477
- Key Terms
- Responsibilities of Resource Parents
- Why is Participation in Age- and Developmentally Appropriate Activities Important?
- Utilizing Safety Plans
- Utilizing Guiding Questions
- Accessing Additional Resources
- Notification Procedures
Online Training
Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse